The Finish Line - is a metaphor for success in the completion or accomplishment of a good deed, goal, or task. It is based on the concept that life is a journey, but your journey is a personal race, struggle, and the good fight to cross the finish line and receive your reward, medal, degree, decree, policy, process, procedure, or crown. Used In the writings of The RhymistGift and The Consummate Transitioner, based on the Bible scripture 2nd Timothy 4:7 (KJV).
My son crossed the finish line, he graduated from high school. She crossed the finish line in receiving her Master’s Degree. It was an arduous struggle, but Congress got the bill on climate change across the finish line. The only way to cross the finish line (have success) is to keep running your race and do not ever stop or give up!
by July 10, 2021
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when you only have a 2 minute window and you go for it and you're so locked in you do it exactly at the 2 minute mark.
I didn't have much time so I had to wizard finish before I left her apartment.
by Mememememememmemeemme em January 13, 2017
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Where you snap as soon as you cum into your partners mouth after saying I am iron man
"Yo did you fuck her last night". "Yeah I used the snap finisher on her"
by I am cum May 12, 2022
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A professional "massage" that ends with relief (ejaculation).
If you want a fancy finish it's another $50.


Are you down for a fancy finish?

How about a rub and a fancy finish?
by SleepingRoger March 20, 2012
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When you empty your ballsack in an unexpected place inside someone.
What the fuck Jack? You had to do a fucking cheeky finish didn't you?
by MrFuckJugs June 5, 2017
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