She is the most warm hearted and caring girl in the world. She always puts everyone infront of herself, even though it doesn't benefit her at all. She prefers to hang around guys as she doesn't like to do girly stuff. Diana is also a great friend (or girlfriend in other cases) but she has very low self confidents. Diana's life goal is to work with people and to help them through life.

The name means "heavenly, divine", in Roman Mythology. Diana was a Roman goddess of the moon, hunting, forests, and childbirth, often identified with the Greek goddess Artemis. The name also stands for night, stars, moon and darkness.
"Hey! Did you see that girl in the café?"
"Yeah she is total Diana!"
by doesnt work 4 me June 29, 2017
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Prettiest teacher on felisenum. Lina has a huge crush on her
Diana is so pretty
by Ree2222 November 26, 2021
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The best person to be around, wether you’re happy or sad. You can always count on them to be by your side no matter what kind of situation. If you ever meet a Diana, just know you’ve met the best person in your life, someone you’ll tell many people in the future about.
Diana is the best person I’ve ever met.
I never want to lose MY Diana
by Mrpoopybuttholeifykyk November 25, 2021
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The girl oh your dreams she has dark hair she loves her boyfriend and she is the girl you will need in your life she loves to be called princess diana all the time and calls her boyfriend her hero diana is the person you will love

You need a diana in your life
by Guard123321 April 28, 2023
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You are A confusing soul

But an honour to know

You look young

but you are old

As you turn twenty one

May you glow
Like the sun

Work to attain your dreams and hopes

But have fun

You will get lost on the way

And that’s okay

What matter is you will find your way back

You are a beautiful girl

Never sell yourself short(pun not intended)
You are worth gold

That not everybody can afford

You are a queen

And never forget that

You are a dream

For every man

From the Don himself
Diana What a OG
by CHBK December 18, 2021
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A.woman from.texas who has played with mens hearts and emotions to get what she needs and wants through love bombing and Trina bonds. She is beautifully tragic and Magic in her own ability to draw you in. And make you believe she has genuine feelings for you but really she hates you for loving her.. she is a constant flirt and lives to talk about herself non stop. Her eyes tell you everything you need to know about her. Cold and spiteful heart . She has had tragidies in her life..and thinks that's an excuse to treat everyone like shit . The kind of person to relish in men's heart ache and pain. Over her . The type to make your feelings and emotions over her an utter joke. Her smile is powerful and her game is on point. . And yes pun included on that last one.. she is the type to leave her kids with the nanny and dissapear on them leaving them without a mother for years so she can party and have sex with cute guys with nice cocks. But she says she will still come home to you . A real bonified narcasitic bitch with no empathy sympathy or untoxic love. In her . She is also the kind of bitch. To lie on you and steal your tools. And leave you broke. An run off with an old baby daddy. The best and worst thing to happen to you . A confussing mess of fishy stories and. The ability to play the victim in every situation ... One of the most selfish immature know it all players in the game a real stubborn spoiled bitch who hates to hear the word. No. SHe will destroy you
I can't believe your gf is fucking your friends. She Is. A dirty Diana patrick
by Imalovinglife June 15, 2022
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