A bologna sandwich is a boring, bland, distasteful person or thing who lacks any personality, skills, or general “fun-ness.”
Dude I started talking to this girl, but she’s kind of a bologna sandwich.

“Hey do you know Steve?” “Yeah, that guy is a bologna sandwich.”
by Michelle_Obama June 24, 2018
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v. To get extremely off topic during a conversation
Friend 1: "Dude, I think we Bologna Sandwiched pretty hard right then."
Friend 2: "What makes you say that?"
Friend 1: "Well, when we're talking about naked tribal women and we don't know what the hell we're supposed to be talking about in the first place, I get a sneaking suspicion."
by carsausage October 5, 2015
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When you overhear part of a conversation severely incorrectly.
Guy: did you just say you want to fuck my mom!?
Other guy: no, I said we’re going to the mall
Guy: oh sorry, hotdog sandwich ears.
by ShleeBo May 14, 2023
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A sandwich consisting of copious amounts of Nutella and Peanut Butter between two slices of white bread.
It is named such as it will provide one with enough energy to supply a small town but will inevitably lead to a complete sugar crash after an hour.
Mikey: "Dude, I just had a Chernobyl Sandwich and it is the bomb! I just deep-cleaned my house, asked out three women, went skiing, went surfing, cooked a five course dinner and... uhhhhhhhhh..."
David: "What the fuck?"
Mikey: *unintelligible noises similar to a brain-dead chimpanzee*
by BlueXander May 25, 2023
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When a vagina is penetrated repeatedly and with excessive force, whereas afterwards the vagina resembles lunch meat.
He really banged me a turkey sandwich last night!
by Kristenkooster October 26, 2017
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When someone eats out an individual with female reproductive organs that have not been washed in a long time, and it smells like tuna.
Taeler has a tuna cooch and loves eating tuna sandwiches
by GonorrhoeaGobbler June 22, 2023
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