The Overarching Antagonist of Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, based on the folklore version of Death, being a white bipedal wolf instead of a skeleton.
Puss: you are no bounty hunter, you are..
Death: Death! And I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theatrically or in any other fancy way. I'm Death, Straight. Up.
by JabariTheBeaver September 21, 2023
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The involuntary guttural sound a woman makes during orgasm, caused by the contraction of the diaphragm
"Oh babe you just gave me the death blow"
by htngjsfydhastgfgn January 18, 2019
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When a person is killed by his/her Doppledanger.

This scenario is extremely rare but anything can happen in this world.
News reporters have found a very shocking news about yesterday's murder. The victim was killed by his dopple danger, which was very intriguing to the detectives. this miracle is called the DOPPLE DEATH!
by treedoodles February 7, 2021
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When something massive and extremely powerful has one tiny weakness that, if you exploit, the entire thing will go to sh*t
The Alien Invaders from "Independence Day" suffer from Death Star syndrome: if the mothership's cockpit is destroyed, all of the other ships will blow up.

Disclaimer: this example's weakness may not be that tiny, but you get the point
by Wobbmin February 25, 2017
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(Richard) "Aye bro when you're gonna stop having sex with all these girls"
(Me) "Until Death Call My Name"
by Jhon hanfle July 5, 2018
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Suicide by octopus, like something out of a movie.
The girl brought a blue ringed octopus to her hotel in a fish tank and put it in the bath tub with her, but the good news is that she was an organ donor, and she had donated 7 organs to seven different strangers after she had determined whether or not they were worthy of her organ donations/transplants. She had a guilt complex about killing her husband in a car accident while distracted by a cell phone call. Had she been a fugitive from the law, she most likely wouldn't have time to feel guilty, but since his death looked like an accident, she had time not only to develop a guilt complex, but to pick and choose seven strangers as candidates for organ transplants after her premeditated suicide. Her octopus death was one of the more interesting ways to die that investigators or medical examiners had ever seen.
by The Original Agahnim September 13, 2021
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