a brief mental blank when attempting to pick out an outfit, complete forgetfulness of one's own ability to put an outfit together without mental strain.
I've been looking through my closet for hours and I still can't find anything to wear - I'm having a total fashion brain fart!
by misslaurendeane November 29, 2021
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A phase in life when you stay up till past bootycall o’clock with friends and start going insane to the point where you can cry about life and how you still a single Pringle in a world of 9 billion people then slowly recall into the darkness of sleep.
Me: *crying and eating a banana at the same time *

Friend: you brain ded?
by Karma-Lina February 25, 2018
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When you are infected with SBD you are willing to pay 5X-10X the market value of a clapped out miled out oil leaking rust bucket Subaru because it's got a turbo!!!!
"Jennifer just told me she bought a 2001 Subaru WRX with 300k miles for $12,000! She told me it has an STI motor and a salvage title."

"Wow dude, she's got Stage 4 Subaru Brain Disease"
by Nived67 January 28, 2020
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Knowledge of a particular subject comprised primarily or completely of information gained from Wikipedia. Depending on the topic at hand, a Wiki-brain can be extensive and accurate or miniscule and fictitious.
One: How do you know so much about Metallica? You're not even a fan!
Two: I'm not, but I have a Wiki-brain about them.


One: You know that help you gave me on that essay last night? It was all wrong! I failed!
Two: Sorry, man. I warned you it was just a Wiki-brain.
by WikiBrainer October 15, 2011
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When your brain is incapable of absorbing knowledge/Repeating already known knowledge
Teacher: What is the answer to number 1?

Student: Uhh...

Teacher: We learnt this last month and I made sure you understood. How do you not know this?

Student :Sorry, I have Wet Paper Towel Brain today just give me minute.

Teacher: Ok we'll come back to you later.
by De Queen May 18, 2023
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The guilt that comes with leaving your city for a more affluent area after college, despite the best attempts of your professors and others to prevent it.
Paul: "I had this crazy dream last night. I was on trial for planning to move to Chicago, but the jury was made up of my professors. When the judge asked for the verdict, one of them stood up and said, "We have no verdict. We're just extremely dissappointed in him."

Bob: "Sounds like you have a serious case of brain drain guilt bro."
by Simon Dylan May 27, 2011
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COFFEE; a hot drink that acts as a brain lubricant; or stimulates brain function
To get his mind functioning properly for the test on differential equations, Axel stopped at Starbucks for a cup of brain lube.
by BCATThompson October 7, 2021
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