Brooklyn is an example name FYI(hmm)

This is performed when ur bae(gf most commonly) is giving an action known as “brain” ( which is a sexual gesture )
Guy1: Yo Brooklyn gave me Bæ’s Brain
Guy2: dayummmm
Guy1: It was good ;)
by Mateo22106 November 29, 2018
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When the captain (or paddler) on any kind of water transportation device receives a blow-job while on the water.
If you give me agua brain I'll paddle harder to catch up with our friends..otherwise you're going overboard bitch :D
by cjezioro September 24, 2010
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Pierson's small brain is another word for a brain that has been deformed. The person with Pierson's Small Brain usually have learning disabilities and wont be able to keep up with the other kids in their school.
Im sorry, i have one of Pierson's Small Brains
by heypiersonwhatsup October 3, 2019
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Someone who enjoys fireworks. Like moths, these people are easily distracted by lights and oblivious to the downsides of fireworks, like the pollution of streets and the air, its negative effects on wildlife as well as pets and the trigger potential for people with PTSD, namely veterans.
A: But it's so pretty, don't you enjoy the lights??
B: What a moth brain...
by justtryingtomakethiswordathing December 29, 2020
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When your thoughts are all over the place and/or you are dissociating. Seen in neurodivergent people, and high people.
Friend one: Got space brain today
Friend two: Mood
Friend one: I didnt know you smoke weed too
Friend two: Oh. I just have ADHD
by Call me ur dad April 8, 2022
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The results of a Firearm being stuck in your mouth, and having the trigger depressed.
Steve:"Did you hear that Phil killed himself by Butt Chugging bleach?"
Johnny:"Nahh dude, he shot himself. Left a nice Brain Painting."
by Shreddie Wap January 25, 2017
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The Bird Brain "Glorious" rebellion was a attempted rebellion by the Bird Brain "Glorious" to create a better Bird Brain Empire. The leader of this rebellion, Toybvnn, thought it would be a great idea to rebel from their country because "it wasn't talked about anymore." She insulted the empire, calling them toxic & idiots, thinking they wouldn't care. The leader of the Bird Brain Empire, Sinister, found out about this rebellion and demanded them to stop, especially considering that they're trying to make fun of what Sinister created. They didn't listen to this warning, trying to attack. They never attacked but the Bird Brains attacked by sending a raid to these rebels. A few hours after this raid happened, the rebel leader officially surrendered, making a half-assed apology on the situation.
by estonian.empireballs June 18, 2023
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