1. An overdraft used solely for the purchase of alcohol (common amongst students)
2. When an overdraft facility is used to obtain money for purchasing alcohol (common in the lead up to pay day)
1. "This evening I will be making use of my generous Booze-o-draft"
2. "Think I'll need to use the Booze-o-draft today"
by Tom Wilinson November 12, 2010
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any spirit (vodka, whiskey, moonshine, etc.) on ice with a citrus garnish in a small glass. ratio/strength is dealer's choice.
"Anyone up for a cuppa booze?"
"Yeah dog! Whatever you're making."
by emivan September 7, 2017
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A bodily function in which an external text can have an unconscious effect on oneself causing a physical inherent protect on the skin. Forming ridges and causing hair to stand up, paired with the heightened emotions due to alcohol
shaun is no longer able to experience booze gumps due to his stunted tolerance
by Takethepissoutofshaun June 26, 2017
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1. lacking sufficient funds to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society.

2. when you become dirt poor and cant go band for band with anyone because you never saw the bag.
example 1
Fred: “yo whats that smell in here?

Tyler: “sorry man i cant afford my water bill rn im completely boozed out

example 2: “yo ass a booz
by OG Fred August 22, 2023
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Finding out the day after what events occurred during the heavy drinking of the night before and of which the person now has booze-generated amnesia.
Example: the first text message of the day: “oh god, did I really snog him last night?! That’s bad booze news
by thewordfarmer January 13, 2018
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Finding out the day after what events occurred during the heavy drinking of the night before and from which the person is now suffering from booze-generated amnesia.
Example: the first text message of the day: “oh god, did I really snog him last night?! That’s bad booze news
by thewordfarmer January 13, 2018
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Female version of whiskey dick. Difficulty becoming aroused after alcohol consumption.
Honey honey honey can't you come? Do you usually have booze cooch?
by July 10, 2022
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