1. Term of endearment, a manner to refer to a friend

2. A way to address someone who is being stupid, a friend perhaps.
1. Fella 1 : U alright kebab

Fella 2: not too bad mate

2. Fella 1 : *Does something stupid*
Fella 2: what a kebab mate
by lil_mau February 18, 2022
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Kebab is an icon. Kebab is a legend. Kebab is the moment.
Olivia: "Kebab, you're so cool"
Kebab: "I know"
by roman and anna February 21, 2023
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This is not a normal kebab, this is a person who likes things up their arse mostly a queer/gay person
Oi, did you know max is a kebab, he uses that dildo way too much, he uses it more than his xbox!
by Uselessindividualontiktok April 4, 2020
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An Asian male's penis. From Asia, west to east. Generally a beige, olive/cream, tan, brown cock. Tastes great because they have the cleanest dicks on the planet.
Girl 1: "Did you get some dick yesterday?"
Girl 2: "I had Kebab (Asian dick) because White dick is too porky and small and Black dick looks burnt"
Both: "Asian dick is just right"
by Josech May 4, 2020
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Kebab is the top 1 food in the world, eaten by only the best of the best individuals, such as kristo.
- Whats better than money?
- kebab
- what about sex?
- kebab still better
by NotKristoAtAll May 5, 2022
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