When you are getting ready to travel and make one last lap of the house/hotel room to ensure that nothing important is left behind/left powered on.
Couple returns home from travel...

W: I can't believe I left my pajamas in the hotel room.

M: You should have done a Nixon Sweep....
by Boostedgolf July 13, 2016
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When a frat guy manages to sleep with a girl from every sorority on campus within a week
Hey Brad did you hear Hunter pulled of a sorority sweep
by Blepto August 27, 2019
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When a team get swept in a series but each game was a close game. Coined by Chris Broussard on First Things First.
The Nets did swept by the Celtics, but it was a close sweep” - Chris Broussard
by The Lizard King! July 4, 2023
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The act of giving a butterfly kiss to your partner's or participant's anus
I may have gotten pink eye from the chimney sweep I gave you last night
by UrbanDon312 August 1, 2017
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The victim if a blood drinking cult ritualisticly hung on a chimney and bled out. Generally 2 men and the rest are women who all wear white on those nights. They all drink the chimney sweeps blood and go nut balls crazy!
Thay chimney sweep never looks thz same when they drain her, like shes not in there anymore.
by swellsoundsthatkill April 4, 2022
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When you bend your girl over in doggie style, ram a mop head up her butt and twist.
by Whiskeyruns April 30, 2023
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