
Wears DragonballZ Jacket
Watches Anime and Watchmojo
In Special Class
Stop Peeing On Tyler Sam!
by Chr_Mx April 15, 2018
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A tall, quirky and loveable guy who is always there for you when you need him to be. He is always calm and always gives the best hugs.
by Samuel Stalin June 17, 2015
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A girl who seems nice but is truly a bitch at heart.
Person 1: Man I thought she was the one but then I found out she was a Sam
Person 2: That's rough
by BBeazy April 6, 2015
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Sam why tf you so short
by Shortsam October 15, 2019
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Sam is a really great guy who has many friends and many people love him. You can trust him with everything and anything! He is always there for his friends and can make you happy at the worst of times. He is one of those people that you can just get on with and easily spend a happy amount of time with. Every girl would be lucky to have a guy like sam and even though he is annoyingly smart he is also witty, charming, cute and has great hair. He also is a music genius! He never gives himself enough credit for the great person he is. He has a large affect on people's lives- more than he will ever know. Basically he is an easy guy to love and someone you never want to lose from your life. So hope to always know him and that he will never change.
"See that guy over there, yeh he could so be called Sam." P.s he mostly goes for a ffion
See him over there he is sooo good lookin

He could so be a SAM
by Anonymously4578 September 12, 2019
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Sam is a tall lanky dickhead with concerningly curly hair that looks like a fucking afro, he is addicted to porn and watches it every chance he could possibly get.
Sam: porn?
by Crinklesnoop Hater February 15, 2023
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an MLG cheeky scrub who gets rekt without even trying
child 1: "oh sam! get rekt m8!"
child 2: "ohhhhh" *waves hands*
by bethannswagmoney March 8, 2015
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