she is the coolest person you will ever meet. she loves anime,rap, and fashion. wow she is cool
by wowdamnthatscool March 26, 2019
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Dude #1: "Yo, did you hear about that shit going on down at Butler Heroin High School?"
Dude #2: "What about Butler "High"?"
Dude #1: "Some dude had weed and got caught!"
Dude #2: "Noice! One less crazy dope dealer to worry about,".
by DieLegende27 January 8, 2017
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V. The act of performing coitus with an individual wearing a penguin suit in an ambulance.
I received a rusty butler the other day.

My girlfriend and I tried a rusty butler last weekend and now I'm never going back.
by SurferDuck December 22, 2019
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A delusional man who thinks he has a high school attendance but in reality has a 40% attendance rate and is a massive loser
by John butcher June 5, 2019
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The catchphrase of one of the most majestic anime hotties evah~
♤Sebasuchan Mikaerisu♤
by YumikuriIzCannonMadaFuka April 28, 2018
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2 of the topest men you will ever meat well hung and easy going easy to get along with but will bum you mum straight up the gary
kp and butler donny bad boys2 of the topest men you will ever meat well hung and easy going easy to get along with but will bum you mum straight up the gary would ruin you mum dinner dumper but still enjoy a nice afternoon out with rest of family and be loved what a set of men any one would be lucky to have one
by kp butler donny legends July 22, 2022
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An anime I don't want to watch because my friend simps for sebastian too much
Friend: get your lame ass to watch Black Butler

Me: yeah I aint ever watching a character which has been sexualized by you
by HawtVictorian101 May 9, 2021
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