When you take such a big dump at a friend’s house the toilet clogs and you immediately leave
Moritz: “last week I pulled a clog and run, they had to call a plumber
by Vrickster December 7, 2018
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A humorous run to the bathroom most women do post-sex to prevent semen dripping down their legs. Named the 'bucket run' because of the imaginary bucket between the legs in an attempt to catch any spillage.
Girl spies fellow house mate walk oddly to the bathroom after the sex noises stop. 'RUN BUCKET RUN!'
by hyswc February 26, 2013
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December 9th is when you get to run red lights all day and when you get pulled over just tell them it’s December 9th.
Guy: Why have you pulled me over officer

Officer: you just ran 69 red lights

Guy: It’s December 9th national run a red light day

*guy speeds off*
by Hyper103 August 21, 2021
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Slang for doing something, often meant in a rapid fashion.
Theoretical 1: Nooo, dont nuke those people!!!!!!
Theoretical 2: Run it.
by HullSniper July 20, 2023
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