OK, contrary to the beliefs of many angst filled teenagers, slipknot doesn't have much talent at all. Their drummer can only hit two beats pretty quick. WOW. And the vocalist couldn't hold a note for more than 9 seconds, has almost no vibrato, his passagio sucks, and his range is very limited. The songwriting in slipknot is bad aswell. And also contrary to what most think, slipknot IS NOT metal, it has very few defining characteristics of any genre of heavy metal, other than the aggresiveness and distortion for the guitars.

The members of slipknot don't even care about music, which is obvious by their marketing ploy of wearing masks and acting like retards to attract retarded teenagers who think it will be tough or not mainstream to listen to slipknot. Well it isn't tough, and slipknot is mainstream no matter what you may think.
Iron Maiden: do oo dooe di dum didobumbumdido bum ahahahahahaha

Metallica: Do dod od odo do do didididdi dososoososapps

Slipknot: do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
by Shaun D August 14, 2005
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a band of too many people, who are afraid to show their faces, so they cover them up with masks. very popular with the "gawfic hawt tawpic" crowd.
OMGZ LETS GO HEADBANG 2 SLIPKNOT!!!111!!11!1one!!!11!111!!eleven1
by assumptions June 12, 2005
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Slipknot is one of the best bands of its genere and some people just say that slipknot suxs....let me tell u something if u dont like the fucking band just dont post anything about them...probably no everybody likes the fucking music that u lisen to! fuckers! slipknot rocks!
Slipkno is one of the best hard rock bands in the world!!!
by Cris666xy November 13, 2004
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An awesome nu-metal band. Well, maybe they were back in the (sic) and Iowa days (i still respect them)... who the fuck are you to say their old shit was poser metal?
"Dude slipknot is poser metal"
"You're talking their new stuff, right?"
"No their old stuff"
"Fucking retard."
by PI55 September 21, 2018
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For all the people who are like “screw slipknot and listen to children of bodom.” Let me TELL YOU SOMETHING! C.O.B’s lead singer sounds like a fag, who can’t sing on his life, who makes a attempt to scream. And why blame slipknot because they use percussion. Look at C.O.B with a stupid little keyboard trying to mimic them. How the hell is C.O.D is considered original metal? They sound like gothic freaks. Slipknot actually came from freakin America! Their singer will never sound like Corey, and Corey can sing and scream, and not just do a whiny scream through a whole song. Truth is people don’t want to listen to the same slayer, and Metallica songs over and over again, they are far more repetitive than slipknot. And of course some people have a life and don’t want to listen to black metal devil crap. It doesn’t matter if Slipknot is metal or nu-metal, they are Slipknot and will continue further down the line than those old death metal bands.
1. Slipknot isn’t death metal, black metal, etc. Or any type of stereotype metal

2. Slipknot is TALENTED! Let’s have you try and pull of their sound, 9 members doesn’t mean they can’t play, you try to coordinate this many people at a time for a song, let alone one song.

3. The masks aren’t for trying to pull off an ego; it is a form of expression for each member of the band.

4. They aren’t Satanists, and if you want more information, then look it up

5. They don’t give out an emo message trying to make you hurt yourself, the music’s purpose is to empower you

6. If you dislike them, then fine, but at least be respectful

7. If you think they suck since they are mainstream and too popular, let’s see how worthy all your little underground bands are. I’m sure they won’t ever reach at many concerts, fans, or credit as much as Slipknot has.
by slipknot-forever May 24, 2009
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NO, not the clowns from iowa. An amazing rare 80's Crossover/Thrash Metal band from New Haven, Connecticut who are now split up. Be sure to check out their 1989 EP titled Slipknot.
nu metal queer: I love slipknot, Corey's the greatest vocalist in the world.
Thrasher: *Kicks him in the fuckin head* Heres the real Slipknot mfkr *Thrashes hard*
by Elvis Thrashead December 30, 2011
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A strong sounding, strong meaning band. Best drummer in the world, amazing guitarists, and nine members whom all do an amazing, and important job in this masterpiece I call a band.

With amazing abilities in both screaming and singing, their lead vocalist rocks his listeners to the core with meaningful, and seldom ventured lyrics.

A drummer who could beat anyone in a competition (Yes folks, even Blinks Travis... are you kidding me?) Joey is one truly amazing percussionist.

The other seven members of this masterpiece are just as talented, and deserve all the credit in the world for being an integral part to an amazing band.

What is Slipknot? Simply the best band since Black Sabbath, since Slayer.
Slipknot is Slipknot... there's nothing else to it.
by Christie August 14, 2004
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