When a person holds stakes in someone's life or business, but abuses that power just to make the person miserable without giving a single damn about it.
"My dad always brings up what he can use against me if I piss him off. He always commits stakeholder savage."
by J. D. G. September 6, 2020
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a famous american rapper thought to formerly be an Atlanta nigga, but is British, which twitter is milking the fuck out of making funny ass memes y'all should go look at them

Synonyms: Sir Savage the 21st
"sksksksk y'all see that new 21 Savage meme on twitter?"
by 6itch February 6, 2019
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The word Savage Fish is to be used sparingly. It describes a person of greatness. A Savage Fish is often over used because most people believe it is fun to say or just like complimenting other people. The great creator of this word is the most savegest of all fish. He shall remain nameless, but he is often referred to as the great one.
The great one is the most Savage Fish
by NoodleQuack February 19, 2018
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The savagest choir director to ever roam the earth. Savage Gregs can normally be found directing high school choirs or at music workshops.
"You need more vibrato"
Citizej: &qwod;wow, such a savage Greg!"
by Swagmasterr9988 June 17, 2015
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1. Primal, or brutal.

2. A game made by s2games, combining elements of Real Time Strategy and First Person Shooters. Much like Natural Selection, with a different setting, of course.

3. Some video or song by some nobody.
1. "Geez, you don't have to be so savage you know."

2. "I play Savage all the time; it's awesome! Much better than NS, and the same genre"

3. I looked up Savage on Google and found a bunch of porn sites.
by Kenthar February 5, 2004
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Bankroll Savage
Is when you have a uncontrollable hustle stacking money and getting to the bag by any means necessary.
You Can’t tell me nothing type of Hustler..
Ruffiano: I’m out here Grinding from 7:00 A.M to 7:00 A.M,

Big-Rake: damn homey no sleep?

Ruffiano: Naw bruh I’mma straight Bankroll Savage.

BY: GiovanniDYMillyentei
by MillYentei DYSlick January 2, 2021
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Sex without a condom. Bare boning.
Yah, last night I was lurking hella cutty and ended up savage boning this real slutty broad...
by later when i'm in your bed... November 6, 2008
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