Sucks big black penises and has a dildo collection
Tvhfb joe
by Peepee87653 February 11, 2019
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A Joe is someone who is 'high' or on drugs. He will often deny this fact although it is blatantly obvious.
That guy is so high! He's being a total Joe right now!
by IShatOnYourLawn February 25, 2018
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Joe is the ugliest man known to mankind. He has the smallest cock in the world and is hated by females. If you meet a Joe make sure to walk away because he will try to make love with you
“Did you see Joe over there?”
Yes he is so ugly
by BigCockLover69420 April 18, 2019
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When someone is really pissing you off:

Me: “Hey Payton, did you know you are a joe?”

Payton: “What is a joe?”

Me: “Oh don’t worry about it, it is just some silly thing I made up” ;)
by Camm:) May 8, 2019
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