A woman, man, transgendered, non-bianary person who fucks/sucks anything that walks.
I went to the bar and went home with a runny bottom street bang.
by Ledlegs December 28, 2018
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an act of intercourse where the male flips the female on her side and proceeds to stick his penis inside her ear
officer I told him plz stop and no I don't want it but he ignored me and preceded to ear bang me
by Seans friend from school April 13, 2021
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To slap someone on the ear or side of head to hard the eardrum burst or pops. E.g. " He ear banged the shit out of paul"

" Pay my money today or get ear bang".
by Van wick July 31, 2023
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When you engage in sexual activities other than sex. Not going the whole and engaging in sexual intercourse or 'banging'
Evie- did you get some last night with John
Katie- yeah but we only half banged
by Greencapsicum August 10, 2015
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Wong Bang A Person Knocked To The Floor With One Punch.
Yo Fam Remember Seeing That Waste Man Get The Wong Bang Yesterday!
by Mix-Race Man On Road July 31, 2018
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the original chicago's okayest semi-professional shuffleboard team. established in 2018. home court is the royal palms chicago
how did your game against Tang Bang go?

we lost, they are a pretty okay team!
by this_is_BS June 8, 2023
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