One "floats a brain" by pulling your testicles out of the fly hole of your pants and proceed about your normal business without acknowledging the exposed genitals. This is typically done in bars or at parties.
I floated a brain at the party last weekend. I will be floating a brain this evening at the social function.
by bigEC July 19, 2014
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During a gaming session, brain lag is when your brain does not work until it is too late in some situations.
EnderBender28: "Bruh why didn't mash there until it was too late? You got grounded by DK Side B."
PridedFox77: "I had brain lag."
by PridedFox77 September 15, 2022
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Holding your scrotum in you fist so the testicles are squeezed tight making them look like a veiney brain and then proceeding to shave the hair off of them
Dude, I had a date with a smoking chick last night, I had to o make sure to shave the brain before I met up with her because she looked like she gives hummers
by marklarthewelby September 5, 2021
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The lack of brain cells due to years of smoking marijuana. Causing small brain decisions with minimal thought about the actual outcome.
**Takes the Cowboys Buccaneers over**

“That was a CP brain move.”
by The Dog Father January 17, 2023
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Suck dick, hahaha. Brain so good, suppose you went to college.
Brain so good, suppose you went to college.
by Captain_skrillex November 10, 2008
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Homework brain. The condition where you spend so much time doing homework you develop temporary Down Syndrome.
Briana started getting homework brain
by MizuMizu July 21, 2023
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