person 1: get ot of here you koala brain
person 2: shut up nerd
by peter‽ February 5, 2022
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When a person has moths flying around in their brains, laying eggs in all the old things in their lives and clouding the lights with their bodies and egg sacks causing them to be dim-witted, lazy and unable to see clearly.
Mark is so moth-brained that when we had an actual infestation of pantry moths, rather than throwing out the food where they lay their eggs, he moved it to the other pantry. The pantry is not the problem mark, you are.
by slzrppp November 2, 2020
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the act of giving and receiving oral sex/pleasure (at the same time) to/with a person of the opposite sex in a very intense and "nasty" manor.
girl: "I'm bored"
boy: "me too!"
girl: "wanna kill time?"
boy: "what did you have in mind?"
girl: "Brain Swap!!"
by Sdot.M June 26, 2009
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a roblox story where the protagonist roasts everyone
Guy1:hey have you seen this video "roblox story but the main character has a brain"?
Guy2:nah,i'm too lazy playing minecraft
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A smooth brained robbie is an individual who is unaware of modern slang. They can try but they still won't grasp the current slang, truly they will never be hip with the teens. If you encounter a "smooth brained Robbie" do not hesitate to laugh at their incompetence, because it is funny.
Jeff: "that was awesome, no cap"
Robbie: "why aren't you wearing a hat? Its cold outside."
Jeff: "oh you poor smooth brained robbie".
by Soggyfroggy February 23, 2022
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1.) A feeling of reading too much manga that causes your brain to slow down.
2.) The state of reading too much manga causing tiredness.
Hey Joey, are you ok? I just need to rest for a bit, I have manga brain. I spent the whole night reading One Piece, and I am feeling tired.
by Remi90 June 29, 2022
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