The most beautiful girl in the world. The girl whose hair is the color of a pineapple. A sweet pineapple. Payton has piercing blue eyes that stare right into your soul. Payton catches whales 🐋 (all the time) Payton curses a lot, but nobody seems to mind. Payton is very athletic and likes to run. She’s looking for a 7’7 guy with red hair and freckles who’s name is barthalamuel. P.S she is hard to get (Just like the whales! 😉 🐋)
WHOA, who is that?”
Oh, that’s just the hottest girl alive Payton!! 😳
by Kjvabsgoiufa December 19, 2022
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She is the absolute hottest girl you will ever see in the world. She can play all sports and knows how to flirt. Payton’s are very popular and are total bad girls. She knows how to start a fight and can break your hand in a blink of an eye. You do not want to mess with a Payton but if she accepts you then she will protect you against anybody and if someone bullies you she will break their neck.
Person 1: Hey that girl is really hot and looks like a total baddie
Person 2: She must be a Payton
by HashSlingingSlasher08 February 24, 2019
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A Payton is a name for a boy or a girl, it cal be spelled Payton or Peyton, I have the most amazing Payton in my life, she kid kind, smart and funny. She always knows how to make me laugh and will never stab you in the back she is an amazing person and I am just so happy that she is my friend!
Payton “why do ducks wear tuxedos?”...

“To cover their buttquacks”🤣
by Boots2006 June 15, 2019
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A botnet, a nerd, very bad at video games. People who are Payton papa usually are t very good with girls.
by John Paul April 16, 2020
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Isaiah Maurice Payton is SUPER hot and cute he is also very smart and super funny if you have Isaiah in your life cherish him and respect and love him he’s the best thing someone could have
by Super_VE May 2, 2022
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