someone with red hair usually pale skin and sometimes freckles.
according to southpark...
gingers without freckles don't have souls
gingers with freckles steal other people's souls.
it seems that everyone autimatically thinks gingers are
some people are offended by the term ginger but i think most of us gingers just laugh it off cuz were just 2 awesome to give a shit anyway haha. xD
normal/boring person 1: ginger!
ginger: fuck u bitch haha

person 1: your a ginger
ginger: yeah...?
person 2: so your irish?
ginger: JUST BECUZ IM A GINGER DOESNT MAKE ME IRISH! well actually i *AM* irish but thats not my point...

*me sees fellow ginger*
by thisismynameheehee February 27, 2011
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the best fucking people you will ever meet in your life
know how to have a good time
amazing in bed
can hold beer well

overall the most amazing people in the world
hey i hung out with gingers last night
really your so lucky they are amazing but so rare
by kddga March 31, 2010
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a red headed person.
the fucking coolest thing you can possibly be.
me! lindsay lohan (kind of). that chick from desparate housewives.
oh yeah! marcia cross. are all gingers.
by katy... February 22, 2009
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People who are loved, or should be loved, by many. They have hair that makes them very hot, especially teenage guys, and they are also very sweet.
woah look at that ginger!

wow, i wish i could be a ginger, he gets all the girls!

yeah dude, gingers are so cool!
by d00dl3.jump.k1ng.12 November 15, 2011
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a ginger is a person with red hair who people are jealous of because their hair catches attention without making it all colors of the rainbow. gingers have been scientifically proven to have a higher tolerance to pain. it's also well known to anybody who's slept with a ginger that they are excellent in bed & are quite kinky.
"this patient needs a higher dose of anesthesia because they are a ginger"

"i've slept with blondes & burnettes, but nothing compares to those hot gingers"
by woosaw July 22, 2009
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Use: Verb
To botch, ruin, or execute poorly
Chris- "Hunter, how'd you do on the test?"
Hunter- "I completley gingered it, I should have studied more!"
by Chris_Wright February 20, 2009
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a pale, freckeled, person, but must have any shade of redish hair, including strawberry blonde.
by gingerlover19 April 19, 2009
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