a devious lick is stealing something significant from your school

ex: a soap dispenser, ketchup from the lunch ladies
Yo bro, John just hit the most devious lick
Yeah, I heard he stole the keys to the girls locker room!
by BenDover4203069 September 11, 2021
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where people steel stuff from school and take and or destroyed it
bruh did u see that devious lick Jayden did today that’s shit was hella cool!
by sweatyhoe September 16, 2021
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To steal something just for fun and to be annoying. Usually just to be funny and not because you actually want something. Not anything serious or anything that could get you in big trouble, just small things.
Frank: What's Your Devious Lick today?
Brady: I took a stapler from the teacher's desk.

Anthony: Devious Lick that person's water bottle.
by Ratz1235 September 16, 2021
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A 2021 TikTok trend where one successfully steals something from a public property, most often from school or work. Many devious licks consist of stealing projectors, whiteboards, clocks, locker doors, desks, soap dispensers, sinks, toilets, urinals, or computers. Unsuccessful licks often result in juvenile detention or jail time.
Lucas: Broooo, I hit the best devious luck last night!!!! (Pulls out Chromebook)
Aidan: Oh, my GOD, Lucas, you stole a Chromebook, you hit a devious lick?!?! Why?!?! You’re gonna get in trouble!!!!! And Chromebooks suck anyways!!!! Jesus Christ.
by Cinnamon_Girl 🖤 September 26, 2021
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a devious lick is when you steal school property from usually that bathrooms and then put it in your backpack and take it home. most commonly soap dispensers and air hand dryers. some people even take the doors off the stalls.
Person 2: what did you take?
by imacowgaming September 14, 2021
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You stole something successfully, without getting caught. It is most often associated with a TikTok Trend to steal items from a school.
Person 1: Yo look at this devious lick I got!
Person 1: -shows some item that would belong in a school- (hand sanitizer dispenser, fire alarm system)

Person 2: wow! That is a real devious lick!
by AgtCB September 14, 2021
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When you steal something from the school you go to and post it on TikTok.
Just copped this devious lick
by cocklex September 15, 2021
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