My friend Chris can’t spell Gatorade so he is a dumbass
by Apple juice 1 May 13, 2023
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A guy that will stop at nothing to make you smile, and is so thoughtful that’s it’s actually kinda crazy how much you’ll fall in love with him. You will fall so hard and so fast you don’t know what hit you. His hugs are so amazing and all you wanna do is kiss him and cuddle him and just be with him. You love his smile and just being around him. He knows how to make you happy just by being near you. You are happy and feel like you are dancing on a cloud just by the sight of him and the mention of his name. You think about kissing his soft precious lips and gazing into his eyes. You can talk about him for days on day about how amazing he is. Chris ; hispanic, tall, brown hair, brown eyes and glasses. He’s funny and knows how to make anyone laugh and he is adorable and so fine. A Chris is someone you fall in love with like I have….
Friend: “Wow that Chris guy is really good to you
Y/N : “ yes he is<3”
by Iloveyouso<3 April 22, 2022
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An absolute hottie, that I’ve been in love with for ages.
Girl 1 “Wow he’s really cute…like REALLY CUTE!!!!!”
Girl 2Yeah I know right, he’s a total Chris.”
by Iloveyouso<3 April 22, 2022
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Chris is a fun guy that has nothing to do but fun and homework,also sometimes he does have nothing to do for real so then he pings @chat revivers on hashbee discord.
-Chris is renamed FaZe_poggers man #pbh on the hashbee discord server.

-But Chris sucks doesn't he?


by pogammaybechris November 29, 2020
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