Music streaming platform founded by, Inc.
I'm going to listen to Amazon Music.
by Dictionary0003 May 21, 2022
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I searched for Wii elevator music.
by babypiratesnapchat2 December 21, 2022
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When performing sex on a woman, (usually reverse cowgirl) and she starts to sing out loud to cover out the sounds, this usually happens when she is supposed to be in her house alone, but instead she's having sex with her boyfriend and she covers it up with singing since the neighbours are nosy and music would cause suspicions.

This is also considered a great way to mask masturbation.
I had to make a musical ride out of my masturbation since my parents where watching TV in the living room.


Carl: So, how was your date with AJ last night?

Marcos: It was great, we started making out, then one thing lead to another and we started having sex! She was great and all but she had to do a musical ride since Mac, her big brother was in the neighbours house and playing music would have gave it away...
by sad reality September 29, 2015
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(Invented by this girl Sara that I know): another way of saying ' not my brand of vodka' or not my cup of tea'.
Left leaning political propaganda is not my style of music. I'm a little too far right for that.
by Sexydimma July 2, 2022
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That moment where you try to describe a song to somebody but you don’t know the lyrics.
“What’s that one song called?”
“Which one?”
“The one that goes… bum bum do do… bum bum do….”
“I swear to god you always get Music Memory..”
by J4VA January 4, 2023
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