A HOT GROOVIE GIRL. Marie-Anh is as unique as her name. She’ll rock your life like a Queen song!
Sandra: This party is not it!
Brian: Girl that’s cause Marie-Ann is not here yet!

Marie-Anh: I’m here lol!!!
by thatsbananas12 November 22, 2021
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My mom Mary Bastable made dinner last night and it was amazing, beef stroganoff to be exact.
by JackBastable March 30, 2015
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personne très célèbre (surtout en Inde)
elle n’a pas d’amis, elle ne vit que pour le chocolat (sa passion)
“oh regardez Marie-Sana est encore par terre
by vahwbwis April 20, 2021
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This is the name of Ryan's girlfriend. She is very sweet (weh di nga? HAHA!) also likes Stitch for some reason.
Have you seen Mary Joy?

Yeah she was with her boyfriend, Ryan.
by Wasabi420 July 16, 2022
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This is a term drug dealers use to signal to customers they are being watched by the law. Its taken from mary jane, and the alteration is pretty easy too see mary LAWson
by Tom_O'malley July 22, 2016
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A biblical hero who was the first to see Jesus after his resurrection. She is no a saint of the catholic church. Her importance to over a billion Christians is well-documented
Mary Magdalene was the first to know Jesus had resurrected. What a hero!
by zarnoldpalmer April 16, 2020
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He is tall, dark and handful, he loves to eat, sleep, drink coke and cobra and play ML after work.
Edwin Mari is wafu
by creepanon June 8, 2021
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