short for Little Old Lady.

Used mostly in sentences describing anything unfashionable or untrendy
That new shop in town is very LOL

by C. R. July 1, 2007
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Lol is internet slang for:
1.) Laughing out loud
2.) Laughing Online
Mary: A man walked into a bar.. he died
Steve: Lol!
by next August 13, 2005
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"lol" is slang for laugh out loud lazy kids how are on the computer wayy to much often use it..
Britney spears says: opse i think i did it again:-|
Kevin federline says: lol huh? :S
by Jenna333 August 8, 2006
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Originally meant "lots of love" about 5 years ago on Windows Messenger that everyone used.
Some people started to get confused when their friends of the opposite sex would say "lol."
It was thought they were giving them virtual love, however, now most internet people are aware that over the years it has transformed to "laugh out loud." This is a virtual expression of amusement which is over used in the internet society.
mYMSNnAmEiSsOAnNoYiNg! says: howz u?
BuFfTiNglUFfUlOlZOmGiNitTiYErmIneTOo says: gdgd bit drunk tho
mYMSNnAmEiSsOAnNoYiNg! says: lol
by Chennie July 6, 2006
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Paul: lol, I licked your mom's pussy
Nick: EWWW
by BAGANAZ February 18, 2009
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lol is a word for sluts; hahaha is a word for normal lauging people, some people use lol to get to the your so funny stage then the i want to have sex, or one night stand stage.
"LOL, you are so funny, wow who wouldn't want to be with a man like you" so on and so fourth
by Achmedisthebest December 15, 2008
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