The act in which a player in the world of final fantasy marrys a girl in game, only to find out that it is a guy irl
by LordRavioli March 26, 2015
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A gender-neutral term for your friends!
"I'm a Dude, He's a Dude, She's a Dude, We are alllll Dudes"
by Please, Kill me September 20, 2021
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A synonym for 'brother' 'man','buddy',or 'friend'.
"Dude, that corndog looks awesome!"
"I know right, bro?"
by HaloNinca June 10, 2014
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Someone who fits into one of the following categories...

.They’re a bit of a unit
.They’re so laid back it’s funny
.They’re just funny in their own unique way
.They make people laugh without trying to
.They’re funny without realising they are being funny
Rob: Check out that guy over there strolling along.
Bob: Yeah, he’s a dude.
Rob: look at him go. He’s just cruisin
Bob: what a dude *shakes head in admiration*
Rob: isn’t that Johnny Vegas?
Bob: It is too.
by finnyboiii April 26, 2020
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dude with a pause after it. when something unbelievable happens you say this after like ten seconds, or when u cant believe someone did something stupid
guy1: yo i just killed his mom

guy2: dude..
by alex14 July 29, 2006
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Camels foreskin. Found on male camels.
Also used to refer to a friend/person.
When I went to egypt, i rode a camel. It had cheesey dude

Hey dude.
by Lisa July 4, 2004
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