When you masturbate so much that instead of cum, you shoot out a white or light grey dust.
I jacked off so many times in DDD I chalked!
by Ian The Cat December 6, 2018
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V.) To sleep or rest
After work I'm gonna chalk.
by Goomba4 November 26, 2016
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Favorites that changr through out the day, as in horse racing.
Always chalks, they get you!
by GeniusGary May 5, 2018
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Dead body in cop's mouth. Come from the ligne that cops used to do draw all around a dead body to mark his position.
"Where's the chalk ?"
An inspecter to a police officer, arriving on a crime scene. From the show "Murder in the first".
by Sbire14 March 10, 2022
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When someone is dry and or is not being cool
Edgar is always being chalk
by Chigly January 2, 2022
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someone who is not good looking or something not being good
You get that girls number?”
“No, she was chalk.”

“Sorry I cant hang out today.”
“Damn man that’s chalk”
by SupremeBenji February 21, 2019
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Chalk is used as a general negative. It can be used to describe something in a negative connotation.
That exam was chalked.
I can't make it to the party I'm chalked, I need to study.
by ch@lkster April 3, 2022
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