Harry was carrying a portable, handheld, life-ending mechanism in the right pocket of his pants. "Pistol" has six letters, "portable, handheld, life-ending mechanism" has 37 letters, one hyphen, and three spaces.
by but for April 23, 2021
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All that banging I heard last night must have been the homemade mechanic next door
by LordMemion February 8, 2017
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Greedy game company: I-It's not gambling, i-i-i'ts uhh, gacha mechanics!!!111!!!!!!111!111!1 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
Normal person: My man Gacha mechanics and gambling are literally the same.
by somebody10291029102 June 5, 2022
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A suburban thug with an uptight name like Camden or Vaughn who still lives this his or her parents despite having graduated high school years ago.
Is he STILL going to high school parties? What an onion mechanic.
by mechanic police August 14, 2008
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One who is trained and/or skilled in the art of working a man's meat pole. Often linked to the term slut.
Person 1:Mmm, that broad worked me last night.
Person 2: Bro.. i hear she's a meat mechanic.
by DeepInTheGame June 9, 2011
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Ones who "get blasted" and "fix", or "service" if you will, all girls around the world
Bob: Damn Steve how have you been getting so many ladies lately?
Steve: It's easy Bob, I'm a space mechanic
by CodyB.M.F[I9S] February 16, 2011
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