they’re one of the most amazing people you’ll ever meet and speak to. they’re so caring they’ll put their needs before their own. one of the bestest people i’ve met. they’re one of the most strongest people i’ve met.
alyssa: wow they’re so nice!
leah: theyre defo called cosmic
by iloveksi May 6, 2020
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A loser on Twitch who never stream
Guy1 : Yo bud who dat Cosmics guy ?
Guy2 : Man that annoying ting on twitch .
by NotCosmic January 12, 2019
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The best person ever to walk on this planet. They are both funny and caring (very hard to find in a person) This mf will make you the happiest person ever just like how they made me happy. They are also the most lovable dumbass in the world.
by cosmiccc June 23, 2021
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1) out of this world
2) inconceivably vast

4) something phenomenal
His driving skills are cosmic

Their fit is cosmic

Those kicks are cosmic, way outta this world
by Malume phill January 18, 2019
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Relating to an individual who is physically and romantically attracted to people they can never have a relationship with. (Eg- Celebrities, Fictional characters etc.)
A: Oh hey are you still hung up on that Jace guy?
B: Being cosmic ain't no joke.
by wordfinder97 August 3, 2022
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Something or someone exceptionally amazing or great. Typically used when the thing being described is so amazing, one can't come up with any other word.

A quick way to say every synonym for "awesome" in one word
"Woah! You got a new dog?! Cosmic!!"

"I met this girl last Thursday, she was super cosmic..."
by Moobot February 2, 2017
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the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for who's fun to talk to and will always cheer up!

(👇🏻that is just a hint for the cosmic im talking about )
by everydumbuserwastaken January 19, 2022
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