Something that the most attractive person may not necessarily have.
1. Britney Spears, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Hillary Duff and the Spice Girls will never win the 'Best Personality' prize because they're not very talented music wise, they're known more for their videogenic sex appeal than their music and the media highlights all the time how vapid and stupid they are.
2. Cliff: You still dating Rachael?

Norm: Yeah.

Cliff: OK, so she's pretty. She's got red hair and blue eyes but SHE HAS FLAT TITS!

Norm: Of all the woman I've dated, she's got the Best Personality. what else matters?

3. Meranda is very attractive but she will never win in the 'Best Personality' because she's a self-centered BITCH.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice September 22, 2020
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1. What a pal.
2. A reverse trap or/and trap.
3. Subscriblers.
A Kachulu person is a trap and the word being defined on the website called youtube. "A" Kachulu is a weird person is gay and is a reverse trap/ trap. This person is seen alot on the internet website youtube.trp in the comments.
Reverse trap>trap

'''Guy '' that is a girl> "girl" that is a guy
by Paichi December 28, 2017
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the day that you can hug anyone over 5,2 and they can't do anything about it
bob:*hugs Jane

Jane: why are you hugging me?
bob it's national hug a tall person day
Jane: .....your taller then me
bob: you didn't hug me first
by Demon r slender June 30, 2022
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June 3rd is national let a gay person in your house day so let those gays in your home!
It’s national let a gay person in your house day, let’s invite Jerry over and maybe his boyfriend too
by Whispy.boi June 4, 2023
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