After the most amazing, exciting, crazy, boujie, ratchet, mun the world has ever seen, many people experience this special form of depression. It entails missing friends, very cool chairs, and even cooler resolutions.
Bro, I got the craziest Post JAMUN Depression. I think my body water percentage is down to 1% after all that crying.
by best delegate May 10, 2020
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when you've done absolutely everything remotely possible to further your submission into perfection; upload it, and begin feeling anxious about it somehow, whether it be by discovering an anomaly pretense or wondering if the general public will see it fit.
damn bro your new track was fire af

yeah but that one part seems kinda wack, i'm getting hella Post-Upload Syndrome
by smyleynine March 22, 2018
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When a person after eating pizza feels disgusted by the thoughts of other pizzas.
-Oh I just ate a whole pizza now I get the post pizza syndrome when I look at your pizza.
by the one and only ginger god March 25, 2019
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When someone posts a definition that seems true by putting truth in their word only to use it as a way to spread lies by not providing any evidence.

Someone who calls anyone an alt-right that do not want to be sold out to globalism.

A hypocrite that demonizes people that support their country by calling them alt-right but then using the term as a way to demonize them.

A normie that uses fake hashtags to increase popularity.

A shill that does not know what alt-right actually means.
"Post-fakepillock: The latest attempt by the alt-right to demonise anybody"
by sjdjsishi February 15, 2018
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When a post on an Internet platform relates directly to the Waffle House copy pasta
Jonny RaZer says to start waffle posting on all social media platforms
by Dont search Cussy January 16, 2023
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UD's way of telling you that you're full of crap and that you don't deserve to have your word published.
To understand what definitions we publish and reject, check out this shit blog post
Try rewriting your definition so that it's easier for others to understand, then try again.
Urban Dictionary
by brendon'sbae February 10, 2017
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