person 1 - "bro she's a 10."
person 2 - "that's onc."
by thatsoncbro February 10, 2022
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A derogatory term used for French military equipment. References the joking tendency to drop their weapons and surrender the moment anything happens- never fired (didn't get a chance to) and dropped once (they dropped the weapon when they surrendered).
Person 1, walking up to a gun store counter: "Let me see that rifle."
Person 2, behind the counter: "This here is a genuine French military rifle. Never fired, dropped once."
by ATELOS May 20, 2023
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1- Stepparent's second-cousin.
2- Parent's step-second-cousin.
3- Step-second-cousin's child.
4- Second-cousin's stepchild.
5- Step-2C1R.
My step-second-cousin-once-removed is a good person.
by User655 July 26, 2021
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This phrase is used to describe Bang Christopher Chan. You'll never meet anyone quite like him. A special human being. (once in a life time)
by mikaiscrazy September 19, 2021
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A term used when someone wants to elude to a sexual encounter between two of more people
Matt: "hey Sam, I heard you met someone new on tinder!"

Sam: "Once upon a mattress . . . "

Matt: "Say no more man, I know how this is gonna end."
by Sexual Conotations October 3, 2017
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Refers to where --- merely out of curiosity --- you initially dabble in same-gender romance on just a single occasion, but then all of da local drag queens and other gender-indefinite weirdos descend on you for "solace 'n' smooches".
Da first word in da term "bi once, cry often" can also be realistically altered to be spelled da same way as da original "purchase something of good quality and it will last a lifetime, and thus da only thing dat you will ever feel unhappy about regarding said item is its high price" ditty --- if you actually "take da moocher-enabler plunge" and BUY a single item for a budget-impaired individual, said favored spendthrift will immediately crow about his unexpected windfall to his fellow local deadbeat no-accounts, and then you'll soon have all of THEM swarming around you either looking for cash handouts or begging you to buy THEM desired objects, as well.
by QuacksO July 21, 2021
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an event occurs once a year or rarer
boy 1): i don't like Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day.

boy 2): lol, like it or lump it they are still there. However, the good news is they only once a Ramadan, so you have nothing to worry about
by Sexydimma March 13, 2015
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