One of the only 'Disney Princesses' to make it out of the Disney machine unscathed.
Alyssa: Hilary Duff is married, and expecting a baby. Whats lindsey lohan doing?

Marie: Crack.
by LumosMirror116 August 16, 2011
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a fat whore who can't sing to save her life, does not deserve the hot legend joel madden.... she has a little dog in a little handbag, short skirts and he has tatoos and a rock band!! why?!?!?!?!?! It won't last... it better not, I'll kill myself if they get married, I hope he reads this!! Anyway where was I, oh yeah, she aint pretty, shes fake!!
by vunmore August 1, 2006
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a ridiculous teen-queen idiot who got her start on the disney channel, playing the unbelievably obnoxious Lizzie McGuire. since then she has gone on to make several retarded movies like Cheaper By the Dozen (I and II). her movies seem to attract the pre-pubescent fangirl crowd, as well as horny teenage boys who can't find any real porn to jack off to, and dirty old men who fantasize over this underage piece of shit. she also has a horrible singing career, which appeals only to the fangirls.

hilary duff is not an attractive girl at all. she used to be fat and ugly, now she's adopted the olsen twins' view of the world and has gotten on coke. she wears too much damn make up and is skanky thin looking. so now, instead of a fat wannabe teen queen, she looks like courtney love prior to another stint in heroin rehab, minus the track marks.

see crack whore, jailbait, slut, cum dumpster, bitch, teen queen, skank, trailer trash.
1) Lizzie McGuire was the worst show on record to begin with, and Hilary Duff totally fucked it over and made it worse.

2) Cheaper By the Dozen blew gigantic floppy penis too, and having Hilary Duff didn't help one bit.

3) hilary duff's screeching voice scared my neighbors into calling the cops when my sister played her cds at top volume on my 6000 watt stereo, thus blowing my speakers out. thanks bitch

4) i went to a party to score some ecstasy and shrooms, and there hilary duff was, snorting line after line and then shooting crank.

5) i banged hilary duff and caught HIV
by nick rules December 29, 2006
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a girl who is stuck, like most nickolodion and disney actors, in a cutesy role.defenders of her often state that 'you guys are all just jelous of her' without stating why i would be.

her movies, like 'raise your voice' are just advertisments of her music
"After working with her (hilary duff) the first day, I remember saying to my wife, 'This young girl is going to be a movie star,' " says Michael Chiklis, who starred in "Daddio" and now has the lead in the FX channel's "The Shield." "She was completely at ease with herself and comfortable in her own skin." Micheal Chiklis states she is going to be a movie star...but he never said she would be a good one! :)
by jinon February 26, 2007
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why do you think she's called duff? she's a blonde airhead who thinks she's all rock chick because she's dating joel the rock god from good charlotte. she's really skinny and a rubbish pop singer who sung such classics(not) as 'so yesterday' and 'wake up'.
so boring. go back to sleep, hilary, and do us all a favour, why dont you.
hey, isnt hilary duff such a cool rock chick?
no she isnt, she's a rubbish plastic pop singer who doesnt deserve the gorgey Joel.
no waaaaaaay! like, hilary is word. her music is so punk rock.
no, dont lie. you want some real punk rock, go listen to good charlotte.
by Sadie J November 12, 2006
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shed fake tears to get your way, or make people think you care.
That cop killed the guy and then pulled a Hilary in court.
by al gee January 12, 2008
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