theres 3 types of groups 1 mercy obsessed people that play handball at recess and the tall people that are nerds
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it doesn't exist.Your maths teacher will beat your ass if he or she knows that
by sun xiao chuan 258 November 28, 2021
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Buny: expleams x came is the best ship

Me: no, came x expleams is the only and best ship to exist
by IlNo November 5, 2020
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A fast and fun way of saying “99.99%”.

Coined from the “Germ-X” claim: “Effective at eliminating 99.99% of many common harmful germs and bacteria in as little is 15 seconds.”
I may not have finished it, but I at least got a Germ-X Percent done.
by BQ Atkin November 2, 2022
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the x glitch is where on your playstation if the x button does not work you have to resrtart your system
"aw crap i got the x glitch on minecraft"
by Ohsnap24 March 19, 2021
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Funny but annoying , Immature but bossy , calm but angry .. you're everything that makes me happy in one , your the reason i laugh loud and the strength i need when i feel down . I love all your flaws like the fact you ash on the side - so annoying and fact when your on one soneone gets terrod but for sone reason i end up laighing with you aswell as trying to stop you . Just keep being you , my chicken nugget made from ducks xx
by Iloveyoucs May 30, 2022
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the increased rash of "cute" e-mails received around christmas time, mail that one x's out of immediately and delets without forwarding on
man, my in-box if full of x-mail like every november and december, takes me forever to clean up my in-box this time of year
by tracy v December 16, 2008
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