A kaleidescope yawn is the act of vomiting.
"Man, can you believe that chick did a kaleidescope yawn after only one shot? She turns the act of vomiting into such a big deal".
by felinegroovey July 11, 2008
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The classic, yet ridiculously cheesy date move where a person fake yawns, stretches, and puts their arm around their date.
I was nervous on our first date, but I pulled a Yawn Burgundy on her and it was smooth sailing from there. 60% of the time it works..every time.
by Yawn Burgundy September 3, 2014
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When a person farts and the smell is so rancid that the room is cleared.
Shelby's asshole continuously dealt the room hot yawns all night.
by MemphisBoss February 11, 2013
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When you come home and see an Amazon box by your door and get really excited, but it turns out to be just Q-tips, furniture polish, a replacement Brita filter, and socks. Nothing exciting.
Murray: Hi honey, I'm home! I saw the Amazon box in the trash, did my new putter come? Or, was it the fishing lure I ordered, or that bracelet you've been dying for?
Marie: No, it was nothing. Just Amaz-yawn.
by Mudge Malog January 20, 2021
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Yaawn... This is when... you... you uh... like uh,,,,,, open yoiur mouth and breath air or something.... did this make you yawn?
Tom: Hey, yawn yawn yawn yawn
Dave: *Yawns*
by the worst guy ever August 25, 2023
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you did this searching it up
by Lyrosity September 17, 2022
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An insult meant to be short "for get on with your self bitch"
Friend : I'll give you 30 bucks for your phone.
You: Yawn bitch!
by Reese'spieces February 29, 2016
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