Some kind of hero that is willing to accompany a taken girl in the act of spooning whilst she is on a single sex holiday. Some would say he is the ultimate wingman.
"I was lonely last night when u were shagging his mate but luckily he played Mr Snuggle"
by Mr Snuggle September 23, 2013
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to cuddle

to be used as a noun

Hey Bob, lets have a snuggle sack later.
by Suebag June 22, 2007
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The snuggling and embracing of your genitalia area. AKA, SEX.
Snuggling can sometimes lead to lower snuggles, which is... Awesome.
by lower snuggler June 8, 2010
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When your life is a movie inside your own head so if you’re snuggling and you feel the need to like, do a cute hair push back thing to illicit a smile, you pretty much always go for it. They’re like the screenshots in your mental photo album.
He did like a cute hair push back thing, and I smiled. It was some real cornball snuggling.
by Cornballsnuggleclub February 22, 2023
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The act of rolling over and clinging to the other person in bed with you when the alarm clock sounds. This type of hug resembles a spoon technique, with a strong resemblance to the way young monkeys cling to their mother in the wild.
When the xylophone alarm clock went off, I gave Sandy the Alarm Clock Monkey Snuggle. I didn't want her to get up, so I pulled her close as she hit the snooze button.

When the alarm clock went off, I scrambled to give her the Alarm Clock Monkey Snuggle to get a few more minutes of time before going to work.
by Flightnursejim December 3, 2013
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