A sweaty nine year old who loves a bit of Fortnite and roblox
by Retejsborldbfos June 25, 2020
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1. A person who's so dumb you might as well put them into a kindergarten to smarten up a bit (retard)
2. Person who may be dumb (in a good way) in nature, but also smart enough to act mature in most of the situations that require it (Retard)
1. Guy1 : *Says some delusional take on twitter*
Guy2 : "You're such a retard"
2. Friend1 : "Thanks man for being a Retard, you're a good friend"
Friend2 : "No problem homie *does something dumb but funny*"
Friend1 : "Hehe, had a chuckle over that one"
by Mango The Bear March 18, 2023
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a name to call your friends insted of stupid or idiot. it sounds better to say.
friend: "that girl/boy looks so ugly." Me: "Oi dont say it infront of her you retard."
by EVRYOPPSHOT May 24, 2023
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The person that is looking this up
by Jaythuggin March 4, 2021
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