The CCOD refers to an unhealthy obsession with Camila Cabello; so much so that people who get affected by this disorder can't stop making hate tweets/posts about her 24/7 ! Other symptoms of this disorder include - thinking hating on Camila is their reason to breathe, their hobby and their lifestyle! This disorder is usually found in Arianators, Dua stans, Barbz, Lovatics, Little Monsters, Lana stans, BTS stans, and literally in most fandoms existing. Doctors claim that the only way for you to fix this disorder is to "fu*k off" and go get a life!
Chartdata (chart account) : Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello's "Señorita" has now surpassed 1.5 billion streams on Spotify. It’s the most streamed male-female duet in the platform’s history.

Arianator : Tanked! Nobody cares about c*mila

Camilizer : STFU i think u have a CCOD (Camila Cabello Obsession Disorder)… go get a life!
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This happens when you are so addicted to Facebook that you keep going to your Facebook even though you don't have that much things to do on Facebook or ran out of apps or games to play. So in the end you will jut scroll up and down and keep on reading your friends' updates and stuffs. It is like you feel a need to go to your Facebook homepage every now and then even you know that you got nothing much to do there.
"Hey why is it like I see you using Facebook forever when you are just reading other people's updates and doing nothing else?"

"I don't know, I just feel like there's a need to use it."

"Then I think you have a very serious case of Obsessive-Compulsive Facebook Disorder (OCFD)."
by ThatSam March 18, 2010
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Goshiki Obsessive Disorder (GOD) means that you would have a habit of heavily giving all your unconditional love to him. Signs of the disorder include; talking about him endlessly, simping over him (etc)
1. Date Tech has recently found out that their setter had Goshiki Obsessive Disorder (GOD), when they stumbled across pictures of Goshiki Tsutomu on their setter’s phone.

2. Author found out she had (GOD) after buying 50 body pillows of Goshiki Tsutomu.
by tsxkishima_txdxshi May 21, 2021
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Someone who can't stop tweeting; will stop eating, all normal daily functions just to sit on Twitter all day and tweet, retweet, mention and fave. Also overuses and/or misuses hashtags.
"You're jammin up the feed with your OTD!"
* obsessive twitter disorder (OTD)
by CairennRhys July 17, 2014
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BPOD or BLACKPINK Obsession Disorder is unhealthy obsession with BLACKPINK; so much so that people who get affected by this disorder can't stop making hate tweets/posts about then 24/7 !

Other symptoms of this disorder include - watching, searching, listening AND commenting on every BLACKPINK's contents even though they "are not" their fans, judging every single thing they do like they are professionals, thinking hating on BLACKPINK is their reason to breathe, their hobby and their lifestyle, preaching about how blink is toxic but making viral tweets of hate about BLACKPINK and many more symptoms.

This disorder is usually found in almost every kpop fandom (there are some excepctions). Doctors claim that the only way for you to fix this disorder is to "fu*k off", focus on your faves, accept BLACKPINK is getting more successfull whether you like it or not and go get a life!

(If you got pressed by this then you certanly have BPOD, please find a doctor)
BLACKPINK announces a new single with a feature
kpop stan: and once more YGE is following my fave group steps
This is BPOD (BLACKPINK Obsession Disorder)

Vocal trainers, famous PROFESSIONAL dancers and other praise BLACKPINK

kpop stan: Lisa is overrated, Rosé and Jisoo can't sing, BLACKPINK doesn't have stage presence
This is BPOD

Someone that has never heard kpop gets interested in BLACKPINK
kpop stan: okay but have you seen this other group? stream their stuff instead
This is BPOD
by bpistherevolutionstaymad July 23, 2020
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Obsessive-compulsive foosball disorder (OCFD) is a mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts or obsessions of playing foosball, or the urge to play foosball over and over again (compulsions). Some people can have both obsessions and compulsions for foosball.

Symptoms include:

- Air Foozing: uncontrollable fits that mimic the action of moving / striking a foosball bar (either singular or many times), some individuals also shout while doing this.

- Sleep Foozing: similar to Air Foozing but occurs when a person is in deep sleep.

- A constant urge to play foosball even when there are much more important tasks needing to be done (i.e. work, eat).

- Continuously watching foosball videos on youtube
Arno walked into the room and started air-foozing, I think he may have Obsessive-Compulsive Foosball Disorder (OCFD)...
by ratel_8 December 13, 2022
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call it what you like: but it's working on stuff other than work during work hours (& thus causing work problems).
Looks like Larry has a case of OCGD (Obsessive Compulsive Googling Disorder) as he never get's any work done because he is too busy googling and searching all day long!
by OCD Boy (Chicago) December 14, 2009
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