When you lick her booty, and then her eyeball immediately after.
Her: "If I get pink eye, I can call out sick, why don't you give me the Mississippi Hobo Hustle?"
by Frankiln Foster Forest September 26, 2019
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Reading the comments of someone’s posts on Social Media. Stalking someone’s Post. Being Nosey reading the comments. Gaining entertainment or humor from a post as if you were watching a movie. Some will steal other people’s humor through Comment Hustling.
I was just Comment Hustling.
Not here to Post, I was just Comment Hustling.
by The older Twin March 4, 2018
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1 To purposefully listen in on a conversation; Even though it was not intended for them; Being nosy.
2 Another term for eavesdropping
A. Guy 1 and 2 are talking upstairs, Guy 3 is downstairs listening to them talk at the bottom of the stairs to listen in on what they are planning on Friday, he is Ear Hustling.
B. Guy A : "Hey Guy B.., My Mom was Ear Hustling while I was on the xbox last night.."

Guy B : "How much did she hear??"

Guy A : "Pretty much everything.."
by grandest of autismo August 12, 2019
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I was hanging with my peeps and we started talking bout some shit and the guy next to us was EAR HUSTLING the whole convo amused.
by A G’dizzle July 3, 2020
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To pretend to be new or unskilled at a game (often pool or poker) in order to raise the bets against you, then reveal one's true skill level to take the higher purse.
"You knew how to play all along. You hustled me! You're not walking out of here with that prize money.
by FeyStrider November 11, 2021
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The core action driving hustle culture. To work endlessly towards a goal at the expense of balance.
That dude hustled none stop, working 100 hours a week.
by TheBigSmooth25 June 11, 2022
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The means in which this girl survives. 💪🏽
She Hustles
by iamsolacx June 20, 2021
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