When I’m anticipation of your annual trip to Maine, your sister dreams of riding a giant lobster like a rodeo cowgirl.
by BillyBSevenOne June 22, 2023
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It's when you mud dog it. when your hooking up with a girl that isnt that hot. Not hot enough to get a full erection so you bang her with just a chubby
Man, I hooked up with this potato face last night. that in combination with the vicodins were not doing it for me. So I just had to chubby wrangler that one.
by Ducktard August 6, 2011
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Campaign professional who manages volunteers. Gets them to the right place at the right time to be effective.
The volunteer wranglers kept the phone banks humming.
by jiminstl April 21, 2010
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Another word commonly used for in substitution for the word slut or whore
Someone who is known for sucking dick
Whoa that girl is such a snazzy bull wrangler”
by Periodically tablesxxxx October 12, 2021
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someone who deep fists a girl's pussy so hard that they literally brake their organs and make them die while having a shaking squirting, shaking orgasm.
I tried the pussy wrangler last night and now I'm on trial for murdering my girlfriend
by Bald Squidward April 17, 2023
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A person who hoards pennies to put them into gas money for his jeep. He is said to wrangle the pennies tossed at him and is extremely cheap. this person is not jewish but exhibits similar qualities.
that penny wrangler just took eleven cents from me!
by generouso June 10, 2010
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