A Daniel is usually a shy person who never talks to women. He always wheres jackets and never cares about his clothes. He is that one weird kid who will shoot up your entire school and take his crush as a slave.
Hey Daniel is about to shoot up the school!
by John brown6647 May 15, 2020
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Daniel is the most caring person on the planet. He will make sure you’re ok no matter what. He’s always there for you and has your back. He is popular but very modest. He’s number 1 at sports in his class which (frankly) gets to his head sometimes. If Daniel does something wrong he will not stop regretting it and apologize profusely. It is so hard not to love him. No matter what Daniel will always have your back. He’s just the best. And quite shy and cute too.
Person 1:Hey that new kid seems really sweet

Person 2: ya he must be a daniel
by You’ll-never-know November 7, 2018
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Big ass cuming game in the north of africa
Boy: lets play daniel
Girl: sure brother
by Kanker jood January 7, 2019
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one of my very close friends he is smart likeable and funny
If you need me i wont be there bye.- an actual Daniel (me friend)
by Deelespina January 10, 2020
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A murderous man who likes to prey on kids
“Damn that Daniel got them nice NASA shoesRandom 1
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