Sunday morning hookup, and then getting doughnuts afterwards. Sometimes also includes coffee.
Worker 1: Hey girl hey, how was your weekend?
Worker 2: Aw, hun- it was great! My man came over yesterday morning and we did a whole Bones & Dones thing and now I’ve already passed my carb limit for the week, plus I’m walking funny. 11/10 I’d do it again.
by Frito Pie May 29, 2021
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Sunday morning hook-up, immediately preceding a trip to the doughnut shop. Coffee is sometimes involved.
Worker 1: Hey girl hey, how was the weekend?

Worker 2: It was great! My man came over on Sunday morning for a Bones & Dones session. I’ve already gone over my carb count for the week, and I’m walking funny.
by Frito Pie May 30, 2021
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"The Bone Zone" is a term used by people with the last name Bone. this phrase is used to declare victory in situations that are contradicting to an actual victory.
example.. fist-name Bone: "LETS GOOOO!! MY TRUCK CAME BACK TODAY!! WELCOME TO THE BONE ZONEEE!!" functioning human: yo... that's not a bone zone moment. your truck came back broken..
by zeeimu August 25, 2022
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A blue collar worker dedicated to their craft and their family blue collar worker to the bones
He's a good guy He's a blue bone a real hard worker
by wrenchbb April 6, 2018
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Hillary Duff was looking like a ten on that magazine cover, I just couldn't contain my bone foam any longer.
by Mohjave November 24, 2020
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someone who humps both the rear and the front of an object, rubbing ones genitalia on the front end and back end of an object, a cheener humper
That brom bones is out of control, rubbing his private regions on both the rear and front end of the car.
by Fat Sausage Man December 10, 2013
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You take the time out of your day and just absolutely frag your mind out to the point your forehead EXPANDS.
Damn bro that 5k was sick!! That was a bone moment
by Swep2k November 29, 2020
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