Tea is a sorse of gossip and is of course sksksksksksk bootiful eg: sips tea quickly and quietly
"Hey there -insert meme- what's the tea? Or "WHATS THE MOTHERF****** TEA SIS?"
by Jessicaskskskskskkstea November 27, 2019
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when one tells a bit of gossip that makes them big mad
Girl: i am bored, spll the tea!
female: ok, karen is havng sex with josh
Karen: -walks in big mad-
by Solar. February 19, 2019
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The thing you spill about that bitch Becky because she was talking bout you
"Bro I have some tea to spill. I heard that Becky was talking about Bridget right after she bought her something really expensive."
by Elektra UwU July 13, 2019
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Not to be mistaken with the warm beverage,tea is the internet lingo for gossip or drama.
GIRL 1: Did you hear the hot tea Karren was spilling this morning!
GIRL 2: OMG yes!
by ihatehomework December 16, 2018
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Person 1: any tea?
Person 2: yes omg did u hear about James Charles and manny mua????
Person 1: no wtf

Person 2: and that’s the tea sis
Person 1: ☕️☕️
by amameewooz January 7, 2019
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