It is the same as Money talks and bullshit walks, but this phrase was said by Leonardo Di Caprio in the movie The wolf of Wall Street
People with a lot of resources accomplish things, the others take the bus and do nothing or little.

One guy says Hey I did that mega deal working at night : money talks and bullshit takes the bus
by Ernie58 August 4, 2017
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Talking while you slamming and jamming with ending in o.
Man I got temporary banned for week from discord group TouchOfMalice for having slappo talk.
by Mancho November 24, 2021
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To talk incessantly. A colloquialism. Origin. Gert Godfrey or likely one of her ancestors.
Adrian could talk a tin ear off a brass monkey
by James B. Beam May 27, 2023
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Inappropriate talk kids use on the playground much like pillow talk.
Jill got in a lot of trouble after using playground talk in front of the teachers
by Playground_ruler March 30, 2018
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Drinking and doing bumps of cocaine with close friends then realizing the next day wtf were we talking about lol.
How did it go last night ? Nambe I don’t want to talk about it puro cocaine talk.
by RGVBigTaco June 12, 2018
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Loudly expelling putrid smelling gas from the depths of one’s bowels in the company of others.
Doug: Hey man, you ready to go play some cards?

Alexander: Sure just don't sit by me though.

Doug: Why?

Alexander: (FFFRRRVVVVRRRTTTTTT) cause my Butts Talking loud and proud tonight.

Doug: Jesus, what did you eat?

Alexander: bean burrito, side of beans, brussel sprouts and broccoli.
by Joey BeefBuicker August 31, 2011
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