The feeling of sadness and depression one gets when returning from shopping with not much to show for one's day.
Guy 1: I wish I'd bought that Iron Man dvd today, now I'm so depressed.
Guy 2: Dude, you totally have the Non-Buyers Remorse.
by ScaryWardrobe November 9, 2010
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The extreme and debilitating guilt which emerges immedietly after eating a large and decadent portion of desert. The culprit might be a slice of pie--but could also be cake, ice-cream, cookies, or any other high fat food choice. Pie-ers remorse generally results in several hours of lethargy and self-loathing until the remorse wears off.
I really enjoyed that dinner dear, but eating that enormous slice of fudge-brownie pie has given me pie-ers remorse. I think I'll just go home and sit and watch Law and Order reruns for the rest of the night.
by David Woodard June 20, 2007
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The tendency of girls to become sluttier with every sexual partner that comes into A vicious/virtuous cycle (depending on who you ask) that presumably ends with taking spanish lessons just to bang Chico the gardener at age 50.

Phrasing inspired by economic theory's law of diminishing returns.
e.g. "I used to do four tequila shots when feeling frisky just to be able to excuse myself the next day for my behavior...I guess I'm already showing the effects of the law of diminishing remorse."
by true_datt October 7, 2013
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Feelings of shame, embarrassment, confusion (about feelings and/or sexual orientation), or just plain freaking out by a straight man after having been too emotionally close, physically close, or sexual with another man, who may be straight, bisexual, or gay. Based on the concept of buyer's remorse.
Jim and John were both drunk, horny, and lonely last night and fooled around with each other. Today John has a serious case of straight man's remorse.

Doug and Bill were really drunk last night, and Doug was spilling his guts about his girlfriend, and how much he hates his father, and other stuff. Doug was crying and Bill ended up hugging him for a while. Now Doug has straight man's remorse.
by swede82 February 26, 2009
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the regret you feel after impulse shopping at a sample sale and realizing that you don't like anything you purchased.
"I can't believe I just spent $300 on this floral velvet dress. It's not even my size. What was I thinking? I'm having major sample sale remorse right now."
by adecasp January 14, 2011
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The feeling one gets when, once fully over the emo/scene kid phase, hhe or she realizes they have nothing in their wardrobe but fucking skinny jeans; no jackets that aren't red, black, or The Devil Wears Prada; no CDs that aren't Alesana, Silverstein, and Bring Me the Horizon.

Post-emo remorse can also define the overall feeling of embarassment one gets when a friend shows them a picture of their past self as the kid with the straightened black hair covering everything down to their chin.
Stop bringing that damn photo up. I've already got post-emo remorse, can we leave the past in the past?
by PseudoNaomi October 31, 2010
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When you compromise either moral and/or aesthetic standards to get laid and regret your choices instantly after. Post coital remorse is the feeling that manifests itself as the voice in your head the very moment after experiencing an orgasm and expresses utter disappointment by speaking an inner dialog that can vary in severity from disgusted shame all the way to suicidal suggestion.
police say, "post-coital remorse, is believed to be the leading cause of suicide in Men who fuck fat hoes."
by Lil2'high August 16, 2022
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