I don't even fucking know, some dickhead messaged me saying on snapchat. Fucking asshole
Blee Jig. Mate what the fuck are you on about
by ed mcd June 19, 2017
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when a girls ass is jiggly and ugly but looks like a normal ass not moving
"damn that girl in insulation's ass is jig-ugly "
by trondebuca March 14, 2013
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The action of going after and getting hot girls/bitches
guy1: you faggots why are you going to yoga?
guy2: bro we're gonna jig biddies

later that night guy2 successfully goes home with a girl

Someone who jig's biddies easily gets with women and by some would be considered a "woman slayer"
by Milliown May 11, 2009
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A jig wagon is a tasteless, gaudy, flashy car with mud flaps, small external horns, swirling twirlers, and large hood ornaments, most often seen in the hood driven by porch moneys drinkin’ mad dog 20 20 inside a paper sack. If one is seen in the burbs, they’re coming after your money or wife.
Billy Joe; Lookie there bubba, here comes another jig wagon.
Bubba; Yeah, them nigs done up to no good.
by Mohammad Gonzales September 27, 2011
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