Back up the booty, I need the booty

I like the booty, oh what a booty
Shaking that booty, I saw the booty

I want the booty, lord what a booty

Bring on the booty, give up the booty

Loving the booty, round booty
Down for the booty, I want the booty

Hunting the booty, chasing the booty

Casing the booty, getting the booty,

Beautiful booty, smoking booty

Talk to the booty, more booty
Fine booty
All about the booty, big old booty

Serious booty, amazing booty

I'll take the booty, where is the booty

Stare at the booty, walking the booty

Touching the booty, who's got the booty

Grabbing the booty, rubbing the booty

Loving the booty, hugging the booty

Kissing the booty, holding the booty

Watching the booty, kicking the booty
Sleeping booty, screaming booty

Harder booty, softer booty

By Tim Wilson
TLDR, 🅱️ooty
Fortnite player:Look at that booty, show me the booty Give me the booty, I want the booty
Girl: No
Virgin: 🅱️
Get the Look at that booty, show me the booty Give me the booty, I want the booty mug.
something that a red ferret says in a children's movie
guy 1: hey did you here that ferret say "give him to me ugh"
guy 2: yea isn't that movie supposed to be for children
guy 1: yea why the fuck did the ferret moan
by RED FERRET May 12, 2021
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something that a red ferret says in a fucking children's movie (the ugh is a moan)
guy 1: did you hear that ferret say "give him to me ugh" in that children's movie
guy 2: yeah what the fuck is up with that.
by RED FERRET May 12, 2021
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when yo mamas giving me da gawk gawk bro on gawd she makes it juicy oh mah lawd im prayin for deez nuts to be full of wet slimy sticky sticky milky

I'm feeling so good right now, you could suck my big black balls swinging left and right side to side up and down swaying like yo mamas jaws when she gives me da gawk gawk 9000
by Hunky Requis with larger testi September 10, 2021
Get the big black balls swinging left and right side to side up and down swaying like yo mamas jaws when she gives me da gawk gawk 9000 mug.
To create an article online designed purely as clickbait.
Going to do a Give Me Sport tonight to get some clicks.
by Cymro1223 June 30, 2019
Get the Give Me Sport mug.
“Giving me fer vibes” is used when somebody is being ghetto and irrelevant like fer!
Guy1: *is ghetto*

Guy2: ew you’re such a fer, giving me fer vibes!

Guy3: ikr, ghetto like fer.
by Ferisghettoafxox January 24, 2021
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