Haven't you heard about the bird? Everyone's heard about the bird, because bird is the word! A bird bird bird bird is the word a...
by Sorax3 April 28, 2009
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An adjective used to describe someone of homosexuality
Evan Abrams,a jewish boy who loves the OC and Halo, is sort of bird.
by From Train November 28, 2005
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the unfortunate turkey to be eaten at a traditional feast such as Thanksgiving or Christmas
I'm hungry! Is the bird almost done?
by Bungalow Bill November 25, 2001
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1. The act of eating seeds or other foods that avain species would be seen eating, especially sunflower seeds.

2. Slowly eating seeds, one at a time, picking open the shells and leaving them in a messy pile.

3. Any act that resumes behavior of an avain species.
1. There was Alan, birding at his desk again.

2. Due to all of the birding that went on last night, there are shells everywhere that need to be cleaned up.
by JonnyCase July 21, 2006
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