The process of pulling the females pants and (or) leggings and take the end of a pencil where the eraser is and slowly rubbing it on the thigh/vaginal area
“During art class I saw a boy giving the Romanian pencil technique to one of the thots when the teacher wasn't looking!”
by lilqdawwgg February 21, 2020
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When you stick it in her soft and wiggle until it gets hard
Bro me and girl tried the caterpillar technique last night”
by That1Aussie December 29, 2022
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A power or ability previously unmentioned by any character at any time in any way that suddenly makes itself known in a time of great need.
"Oh no, this foe is too powerful," thought protagonist as he lay panting on the ground. "If I want to win, I'm going to have to use... THAT technique."
by Anon Amys October 18, 2019
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The Manzano Technique is a recently popularized technique in the 2020s that involves powerchords and bending. It is used often in rock songs.
Matthew: I heard the Manzano Technique (Guitar) is more popular now.
Diego: I heard it in a couple songs too!
by should’ve gotten a plain pie February 16, 2022
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When your friend Caden Spins Like a Fidget Spinner On This Dads Dick
Fidget Spinner Technique is when your friend caden spins on his dads dick.
by iiBuggzZz June 30, 2021
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The alexander technique is a technique that allows sexual partners to maintain the ability to walk after rough raw anal. They thrust in perfect sync at a perfect 65° angle maintain eye contact and match their breath. If posture or breathing ever fall out of sync you get hit with a ruler. At the end both parties thank each other for a the wonderful coitus and shove a stick up their respective asses.
Martin: Bob, did you try out the Alexander Technique last night? You have to. It’s the best!!!
Bob: sure did! I’ve never had better gait in my life after sex. Normally I have to sit on that donut pillow for a few days
by snoopdoggo October 13, 2021
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A sort of self defense mechanism used when someone shows interest in you

(Usually derived off ones insecurity’s)
>Talk to anon
>Find out anon likes you

>>Think you are not good enough

>>>Proceed to purposefully make your self less desirable
>Last read 8 weeks ago

Similar to that of a skunk , if you get too close , the wretched smell will make want to get away from it
Hey what happened between you and anon?
I drove her away with the skunk technique
by BigFard July 29, 2021
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