An Involuntarily Celebate person or a person who wants to have sex, but fails to attract anyone towards them.
You see Daire over there? Hes 48 and is still a virgin, he's a discord mod on r/greenday as well!

What an incel
by ReallyCoolCoolestGuy April 10, 2023
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A term some women use to refer to a man who doesn't simp for women.
Also used during an internet argument by women (or some men) when they're losing the argument to a man.
"You're using logic? you're an Incel!"
by thisedibleaintsheet September 13, 2023
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How I would describe myself. Not you guys however.
by WendysMemer August 24, 2021
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A person who uses going to the gym as an excuse to belittle women. Usually because they have been hurt by a girl, and they don’t know how to process it with their toxic mentality and weak masculinity.
‘Remember whilst bitches are breaking hearts, you’re making yourself better’ - A Jock Incel
by StopBlamingWomenBrad February 4, 2021
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Verb of incel; to be outcast as a member of the incel community
"Dave says women have rights, hey?" "Yeah, that's why he got incelled from the community."
by rabbyiv November 9, 2021
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The act of translocating ones blood, that is if you are an incel. to a vampire-like superhuman through which this entity gains power and or pleasure as well as superpowers
"my super power is Hemo-Incelic Regeneration, it means i feed off filthy incel casuals."
by CmndBean July 26, 2023
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